15th September 2017
Clive Mason- famous for his TV work and ‘See Hear’, will be facilitating the afternoon workshop to improve your BSL vocabulary. This workshop is designed for both hearing and deaf people. No previous experience is necessary.
The morning will focus on why we use incorrect signs as well as looking at signs we don’t yet know.
This is not a BSL workshop but a BSL borrowed vocabulary based day for CPD. (6 points). Aimed at lipspeakers who want to improve their BSL vocabulary but open to all.
Members £50
Non-members £60
Learning outcomes
Please identify a personal list of confusion signs
Can you put them into categories?
How do you store and remember new signs?
Countries? Medical? Feelings/emotions? Work/trade?
Be prepared to share your research with the group.
Remember all research is unstructured CPD!
Any questions? Please feel free to contact us.
**Please make all BACS payments to 20-30-89 50930423. Use the reference 150917 and your initials.**